Microsoft Word – Adding file path to header or footer


If you are sending a Microsoft Word document to a colleague you may want them to know where on the network the file is located. This information could be included in the footer, at the bottom of each page in the document.

To add file path to footer in Microsoft Word 2013:

Click Insert – Footer and select your preferred footer style. The Header & Footer Tools Design contextual ribbon will appear. Click where you want the file path to appear.

In the Insert group, click the Document Info dropdown and select File Path. The file path will be displayed in the footer of your document.

To add file path to footer in Microsoft Word 2007 or Microsoft Word 2010:

Click Insert – Footer and select your preferred footer style. The Header and Footer Tools Design contextual ribbon will appear.

In the Insert group, from the Quick Parts dropdown, click Field.

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About jdonbavand

I am a trainer of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and Crystal Reports. I have called my blog "If Only I'd Known That...." because I hear it so many times in training sessions. In fact, if only I had a £100 for every time someone says "If only I'd known that." ....
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