Microsoft Excel – deleting all blank rows in a worksheet

If you have several empty rows in an Excel worksheet, it is a bit of a nuisance to go through and delete them all manually. You can select blanks cells, using Go to Special, but if you are not careful you will end up deleting rows that contain a few blank cells rather than being completely blank rows.

Instead, go to the column to the right of any data and set up a formula:

=countblank(a2:?2) where ? is the previous column letter

Copy the formula down to the end of the column.

Blank rows

Now, put on a filter on that column (Data – Filter) and filter so you are just seeing the rows with the maximum number of blanks (these rows will be completely blank).

Blank rows

Delete these rows, clear the filter and delete your extra column.

You will now have removed the blank rows.

Blank rows

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About jdonbavand

I am a trainer of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and Crystal Reports. I have called my blog "If Only I'd Known That...." because I hear it so many times in training sessions. In fact, if only I had a £100 for every time someone says "If only I'd known that." ....
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